Tibo InShape cash on his sexual relations with JujuFitcats, Internet users “happy” with his confession

Received at Sam Zirah, Tibo InShape, the famous influencer specializing in bodybuilding videos, indulged in a few secrets about his private life. “How many times do you have sex a week Tibo?“asked the blogger and host. “At first it was often but now sometimes it’s zero times. And even sometimes it’s once a month“, replied the young man frankly. “You see there are times at the start of your relationship it’s going to be all fire, you’re going to do it three a day and I’ve been with Juju for five years and sometimes we’re going to do it twice a week and sometimes for three weeks or a month we won’t do it“, he continued.

Tibo InShape also wanted to normalize the thing and put an end to received ideas and the diktaks sometimes imposed by society. “But it’s true that there’s a taboo about it, saying that you need relationships all the time. And we sometimes don’t make love for a month. And in addition we talk about it and we laugh about it“, he explained. A testimony that has been widely welcomed by Internet users: “Thank you very much Tibo. I needed to finally hear a man say it brings tears to my eyes to get my pressure down like that.”, “I really like the authenticity of this guy. Really he’s not trying to prove anything, congratulations to him.”, “Thank you for normalizing people imagine things too much when they don’t. Seriously thank you for saying it loud and clear, often I put pressure on myself to do it several times a week because of society.”

A few days ago, in “Tous en cuisine”, the companion of Jujufitcats had received a more unfavorable reception when he had fun changing the ingredients of the recipe proposed by Cyril Lignac. “Juju fitcats and tibo in shape in all in the kitchen on m6 really I can’t both bother me“, “@jujufitcats and @TiboInShape should have done tomorrow’s show. They couldn’t follow tonight’s recipes”, “And then it’s stuffed with steroids…, ” “What’s that? Do not participate rather, it’s nonsense pffff”.“, could we read on Twitter.


See also: “No sex”: Elie Sémoun reveals what Jamel Debbouze imposes on actors during the Marrakech du rire!

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