throwback to the chaos of the Champions League incidents


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

T. de Barbeyrac, H. Puffeney, S. Malin – France 3

France Televisions

An independent report establishes responsibility for the incidents that occurred last May at the Stade de France on the sidelines of the Champions League final. Experts target UEFA and French police forces.

How did what was supposed to be a party night turn into chaos? A report, written by a dozen independent experts, means culprits, Tuesday, February 14. First of all, UEFA bears the main responsibility for chess. Then the French authorities who have planned an insufficient number of police officers and a faulty traffic plan. Finally, the problem of counterfeit notes was considered exaggerated by Gérald Darmanin.

“They treated all the fans like animals”

On May 22, hundreds of Madrid and Liverpool supporters were in Saint-Denis. England fans are stuck for hours. “We saw tons of people being run over”reports Tim Byrne, MP for Liverpool (United Kingdom). According to the report, the poor assessment by the French authorities of the attitude of English supporters. “They treated all the fans like animals”denounces Ted Morris of the association of disabled supporters of Liverpool.

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