“Throw it away and kill myself”: Églantine Éméyé, mother of a son with multiple disabilities, makes terrible secrets…

Églantine Éméyé had already mentioned the difficulties, the blows, the cries, the endless nights and the exhaustion in her documentary My son, such a long fightin 2014. It twists your stomach and in addition you do not sleep, she reminds. When it’s our everyday day and night for years, I can understand that at some point we crack. And these are things that we obviously don’t dare to say, but here we are, we crack”.

Today, Samy is 17 years old and he is taken care of by a specialized structure, which is located in Hyères, in the Var, 900km from her. Églantine Éméyé regrets, however, the lack of establishments, the lack of interest in such situations and the increasingly flagrant lack of staff. This is why she fights, with her association Un pas vers la vie, to offer autistic children and their families the right to a better life…

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