The organizers counted 10,000 demonstrators in Paris on Saturday against the compulsory technical inspection for two wheels every three years.
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Thousands of bikers marched throughout France on Saturday April 13, mobilized against the obligation, from Monday, for two wheels to undergo a technical inspection every three years, a European directive that France must apply. The bikers wanted to make their proposals known to the general public, and it was done.
Traffic was very complicated in places in Paris because thousands of bikers – 10,000 according to the organizers – took a few kilometers, first the ring road blocked by the police, then returned to the center of the city. capital, A day of good weather with people outside, lots of cars, pedestrians, cyclists and therefore completely blocked roads, congested intersections, car drivers honking in certain places. The French Federation of Angry Bikers wanted a visible demonstration. The bet paid off given the number of people who held up their cell phones all along the street to be able to film the procession.
“No impact on my driving style”
This impressive mobilization proves to what extent bikers are against this compulsory technical inspection. Jean-Marie confirms it, he has held all the demonstrations against technical inspection and according to him, the one on Saturday is the most important. No surprise, for him who contests the usefulness of this measure: “The motorcyclist is the first person to take care of his life, since he is the only one involved in the event of an accident. Most of the time, he is the one who will get into often serious problems. It means getting out of the money for something which by nature will be of no use and which will have absolutely no impact on the way I drive or on the way I maintain my vehicle which is by nature well maintained. I don’t understand why I “imposes something that serves no purpose.”
For Jean-Marc Belotti, who represents the French Federation of Angry Bikers, this measure makes no sense: “When we put technical inspection in place for cars in 1992, there were 17% of cars which were involved in an accident because of their poor condition. For motorized two-wheelers, this is not at all the case, it’s 0.3%. And these are the statistics from the insurance company which specializes in motorized two-wheelers and which released 16,000 files which they studied. They realized that in reality , there were practically no accidents due to the poor condition of the vehicle.”
The European Union, on the contrary, considers that a new vehicle in all cases improves safety. France is obliged to apply this directive unless it puts in place alternatives for the safety of motorcyclists. The Council of State said that the account was still not there. This is why the technical inspection will come into force from Monday for the oldest vehicles. The bikers warn: they are ready to return to the streets until the measure is withdrawn.