Three years suspended sentence required against Dominique Boutonnat, accused of sexual assault by his godson

The former producer, aged 54, is on trial before the Nanterre criminal court (Hauts-de-Seine) for sexual assault on his godson.



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Dominique Boutonnat, president of the National Center for Cinema and Animated Images, November 2, 2022 in Le Touquet (Pas-de-Calais).  (JAAK SPARROW / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The court’s decision was reserved until June 28. The Nanterre public prosecutor’s office requested, Friday June 14, a three-year suspended prison sentence against the president of the National Cinema Center (CNC), Dominique Boutonnat. Having become for some the symbol of impunity for sexual violence in the world of the 7th art, is accused by his godson, 19 years old at the time of the events, of having kissed him by force and sexually assaulted him during a stay in Greece in August 2020.

The president of the CNC for his part denied any sexual assault, but admits to having taken a photo of the young man naked when leaving the swimming pool but while he was aiming at the landscape, as well as kisses, but consented and initiated by his godson , admitting to having “shit” afterwards.

Despite his indictment in February 2021, Dominique Boutonnat was reappointed by the executive to his position at the head of the CNC in July 2022. “At a time when we collectively need to improve the tools to fight against sexist and sexual violence and harassment (…), how can we be heard when, at the head of the main organization in the sector, there is a person who – same indictment for acts described by the courts as ‘sexual assault’?”, then questioned the CGT-spectacle.

Asked by AFP, the CNC declared that “the alleged facts, which concern the private sphere, are completely unrelated” with his activity.

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