three years later, wounds still alive


France 3

Article written by

S. Lequesne, G. Baslé, E. Fromentin – France 3

France Televisions

On December 11, 2018, five people were killed in the attack that hit a Christmas market in Strasbourg. A night that still haunts the survivors, three years later. Testimonials in the 19/20.

Wounds still alive. On December 11, 2018, five people died in an attack in the Christmas market in Strasbourg. That day, Mostafa was taken hostage by the terrorist, who then takes control of his taxi. He returns for the first time to the Christmas market. “I had lost this feeling of being in the middle of the world. It helps me overcome my fears, my anxieties”, he says. Impossible for him, however, to resume his activity. “I am a living dead, I am here without being”, he explains.

Martine is one of the miracles of the attack, after having survived a shot from the terrorist. “Three years later, I keep asking myself why I am not dead, when the people next to me are”, she says, tears in her voice. The victims are still followed by psychologists. A necessity for Clarisse, still traumatized. “We’re alive, on our feet, but inside it’s dead”, she confides.

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