The Grenelle against violence against women is celebrating its third anniversary this Saturday, September 3, 2022. For three months in 2019, the government met in round tables with associations to discuss this essential social issue. In 2021, 122 women died under the blows of their spouse or ex-spouseor 20% more than in 2020. For Laurette Audouit, president of the Mayenne association Femmes Solidaires 53, there is still a lot to do, starting with prevention.
Laurette Audouit acknowledges that the Grenelle has brought significant improvements. “In the collective awareness of this phenomenon of violence, but also on the training of personnel, in particular police officers, gendarmes. There have been undeniable advances.“But for the president of the Mayenne association Femmes Solidaires 53, there is still work to be done that concerns everyone.
“The Mayenne is not spared”
“There is educational work at the base, from an early age in order to attenuate, if not eliminate sexism and promote equality, non-violent education and respectexplains Laurette Audouit. We must not forget all the same that there are many sexual assaults and rapes, even in Mayenne. It is believed that Mayenne is a bit of a territory, like the village of the Gauls in Asterix. But no ! In fact, the Mayenne is not spared by all that, unfortunately, also exists in the big cities and throughout the territory.”
As of September 1, 2022, the Citad’elle, a departmental reception center for women victims of violence, takes charge of 202 new situations of intra-family violence throughout the department.
– French Radio