Three wounded testify at the Carl Girouard trial in Quebec

Three victims told, Tuesday, at the Quebec courthouse, all that they experienced at the hands of Carl Girouard on the evening of Halloween 2020.

That evening, Rémy Bélanger took a simple walk in Old Quebec. Around 10:20 p.m., he was near the Château Frontenac when a man in disguise came towards him, a sword in his hand.

At first believing in the joke, Mr. Bélanger chooses to ignore the man. He then sees him raise his saber and feels blows to his head, hand and back.

Mr. Bélanger explained to the jury that he had shouted for help, in French and in English. But seeing him approach covered in blood, two people fled, he testified.

He still manages to get to the Château Frontenac, where employees come to his aid. As he is a musician, and his fingers are severed, the doctors send him to be treated in Montreal.

Back in Quebec, Rémy Bélanger was hospitalized for two weeks, then he spent three months at the rehabilitation institute.

The jury also heard testimony from Pierre Lagrevol and his friend Lisa Mahmoud. On October 31, they were walking in Old Quebec when they came across a “very calm”-looking man dressed in black.

According to Mr. Lagrevol, the man remains silent and seems “very serene” as he methodically and thoughtfully strikes them with his sword. Mr. Lagrevol has his skull and shoulder lacerated.

There was no rage in his face? wanted to know the defense lawyer, Me Pierre Gagnon. His eyes weren’t frowning? “No, he was not in shock mode,” replied Pierre Lagrevol.

Recall that Girouard has already admitted to having killed two innocent bystanders with a saber that evening, and admits to having injured five others. But he pleads not responsible because of mental disorder.

A minor witness said Tuesday, in response to a question from Mr. Gagnon, to have seen the killer “frolic” while approaching his victims. He seemed to “enjoy” it.

For her part, Lisa Mahmoud testified before the jury that she smiled at Carl Girouard, whom she thought was disguised for Halloween, before receiving 13-14 sword blows.

Struggling, she yelled at him, “What are you doing? Her attacker would have said nothing. “He was going to put his saber in my neck. She and Pierre Lagrevol will finally manage to escape.

On Tuesday, the Crown also read written statements from other witnesses, including the spouse of Suzanne Clermont, murdered on October 31, 2020.

Justice Richard Grenier, of the Superior Court, said he appreciated the lawyers’ efforts to speed up the proceedings, in the midst of the sixth wave of COVID-19.

Last week, two jurors tested positive for the virus. The jury therefore ended up with 10 members, the minimum threshold to avoid a mistrial.

Judge Grenier had suspended the trial until Tuesday. In the morning, he confirmed the presence of 11 jurors and ordered the parties to resume “as if nothing had happened”.

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