Three women accused of rape | Tariq Ramadan’s defense wants to appeal the decision

(Paris) The defense of Swiss Islamologist Tariq Ramadan will appeal the decision of the Paris Court of Appeal to refer him to trial before the French courts for the rape of three women, one of his lawyers told AFP on Friday.

Mr. Ramadan has hired half a dozen lawyers for his defense in the French aspect of the accusations of sexual violence against him.

Thursday, his lawyer Me Pascal Garbarini had put his decision on a conditional appeal, pending consultation with his client. Another of Mr. Ramadan’s lawyers, Mr.e Ouadie Elhamamouchi had firmly announced that an appeal would be filed.

The investigating chamber of the appeals court decided on Thursday to refer Mr. Ramadan, 61, to the Paris criminal court for the rapes of three women, committed between 2009 and 2016. The judges, however, dismissed the case of a fourth woman, who reported nine rapes, in France and abroad, between 2013 and 2014.

Me Garbarini assured at the end of the deliberations that “the fight continues[ait] for the innocence” of his client.

The lawyer, who had requested the dismissal of the case, “continues[ait] to think that there are no elements either on the material level or on that of influence” against his client.

My Laure Heinich and Laura Ben Kemoun, lawyers for the complainant who was dismissed, also indicated that they were considering an appeal against this decision, the detailed reasoning for which was not yet known on Friday.

In this highly publicized and emblematic procedure of the #metoo era, the complainants described particularly brutal sexual relations, according to the order for referral to trial.

Mr. Ramadan had initially denied any sexual acts with his accusers, before admitting to extramarital sexual relations “of domination”, rough, but “consensual”.

In Switzerland, the preacher was acquitted in May 2023 in a case of rape and sexual coercion dating back to 2008.

The appeal trial was held at the end of May in Geneva. The prosecutor requested three years in prison, half of which was closed, and mentioned the notion of “control” exercised by Tariq Ramadan, compared to a “Stockholm syndrome” in the complainant.

The decision was deliberated “within several weeks”.

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