Three weeks later, the search continues to find Thomas, the missing person from Reuilly

In the night of January 12 to 13, 2022, Thomas Guérinoni left his home in Reuilly in the north-east of Indre. A departure around 3 am, without paper, without credit card with simply a bag of drawings. Three weeks later, he gave no sign of life to his relatives, not even to his mother, Patricia, with whom he lived. Research is continuing in Berry but also in Yonne, Nièvre and in the Paris region.

Thomas Guérinoni, measures approximately 1m85, and would weigh 95 kilos. At the time of his disappearance he wore a beard but had his hair shaved. On one of the surveillance videos he is wearing a blue sweater, with darker patterns, as well as blue pants and gray sneakers. He wears a black jacket in his hand. The family thus focuses its research on the following departments: 36 (Indre), 18 (Cher), 89 (Yonne), 58 (Nièvre), 75 (Paris), 77 (Seine-et-Marne), 93 (Seine-Saint-Denis) and 94 (Val-De-Marne ).

A mysterious departure around 3 am.

She still finds it hard to believe, because nothing foreshadowed this hasty departure in the middle of the night. That evening, Thomas and his mother have dinner together, they talk, he does some physical exercise. Nothing suggests to his mother that he intends to leave the house. “He had gone for a walk in Reuilly, in the evening we discussed, he called someone” she explains, continuing, “He put on a kimono because he does karate, he did some moves, and then at some point I said: Thomas, we don’t do karate at two in the morning, go to bed please.” From her bedroom, Patricia heard a door, so she thinks Thomas has gone to sleep, but the next morning he is not there. He left almost empty-handed, with just a sweater, maybe a gray coat, and a bag of drawings. He left there, his vital and credit cards, as well as his papers and his telephone.

The gendarmes quickly began researching both in Indre and also in Cher, the neighboring department. So far, research divers, dog teams and even the gendarmerie helicopter remained in vain. For the moment, according to the gendarmes of Indre, the research is concentrated in Reuilly. It is the only place where conclusive traces have been found, in particular video surveillance recordings where the young man appears the day after his disappearance, on January 13. His glasses were also found on a bridge over the Arnon.

The family mobilized in the Paris region, in Berry and Burgundy

For its part, the family is also active, both in real life but also on social networks. This 30-year-old art teacher was indeed very active on the internet. Under the pseudonym Thomas San, this Japanese culture enthusiast published his sketches, his manga boards or filmed himself drawing live. In this family where the cousins ​​are all very close in age, “the younger generation takes care of social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, Twitch” explains Patricia.

With the “elders” of the family and the young man’s friends, she also goes door to door, sticks up posters in Berry but also in all the places where he lived and worked, that is to say to say the Paris region, Indre, Cher but also Yonne and Nièvre from which part of his paternal family originated. Professor of visual arts, Thomas has indeed studied in the Paris region, he has also taught there as well as in the Yonne. He was a plastic arts teacher in Avallon for a few months last year, confides his mother.

“He’s alive, it’s obvious” – Patricia (Thomas’ mother)

“He rarely went out” recognizes Patricia, on the other hand he spoke easily, he was very sociable according to her. “He was not taciturn, he was not silent as we say at home!” she points out. The young man thus speaks three languages, French, English and Japanese, but he also has notions of Italian and German and he can easily change language during a conversation! He also had projects underlines Patricia several times, then for her, it is impossible that he thought of a desperate gesture.

She is sure: “He’s alive, that’s for sure”. For her, Thomas may have isolated himself in an uninhabited place, a second home for example, to draw, or he left or joined a person “unknown to family”with which he draws. “He’s alive somewhere. The only thing is… I’m thinking of a meeting” says Patricia, who appeals to her son: “Thomas if you hear us or if you see, call anyone from the family, your friends or even the gendarmes!”

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