Three Ukrainians hosted in Indre-et-Loire return to kyiv, the inhabitants of Betz-le-Château moved

For more than four months, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than six million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their war-ravaged country. According to the UN, however, more than two million have already returned home.

This Tuesday, three Ukrainian women will thus leave the lodging they have occupied for more than three months in Betz-le-Château in southern Touraine. They will join their husbands, their relatives, who have remained in kyiv and the surrounding area. And it is a good part of this village of barely 600 inhabitants who watches their departure with great emotion. Very strong links have been created between the three of them, their three children, and these people from Touraine who helped them as soon as they arrived.

I hope that one day we can come back to France – Irina

As she packs her bags in this pretty room at the foot of a medieval castle, Irina feels a heavy heart. “I’m sad to leave France because we made a lot of friends here and I hope that one day we can come back to France, but not like refugees, like tourists, to find our French friends. “.

She took the decision to leave to find her husband, her relatives who remained behind. Like Natalia, who also left behind her 18-year-old son, for whom it was impossible to leave the country. “I miss my son a lot and I want to kiss him, feel him in my arms, like my husband and the rest of the family”.

A great void left in this small village

A departure that will create a great void in this village of barely 600 inhabitants. Since their arrival, many have mobilized to help them, take them shopping for example, like the mayor of Betz-le-Château. They are therefore very moved to see them golike Paul-Claude Calvie, a former literature teacher who gave them French lessons for more than three months. “In a country where we are very selfish and very navel-gazing, it is important to have examples of people who are able to keep the front no matter what.”

We are very happy for them. We are also a little fearful – Jean-Michel Deckers

Jean-Michel Deckers is the owner of the gîte. He did not hesitate to make it available to Ukrainian refugees from the end of March, and today, after months of reception and exchanges, he has mixed feelings. “We are very happy for them because it means that they will be reunited with their families, their husbands, their eldest sons, their close family who have remained there to guard the country against abusive escape and the scandals of war. But we’re also a little fearful because there’s always danger. kyiv was bombed again a week ago. We’re also sad because for the village, it’s friendships that go away, that We hope very much to be able to keep in touch afterwards and to be able to go there freely and that they can come back here freely.

It’s not just a village, it’s a real family now for us – Natalia

All say they understand the decision of these mothers. Like them, Natalia has tears in her eyes. “I want to cry. We were lucky not to land anywhere, anyhow. It’s not just a village, it’s a real family now for us”.

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