three Ukrainian ports are working again, a step towards the resumption of grain exports

kyiv hopes to have the first ships circulating by the end of the week. Turkey has opened the coordination center which will be responsible for controlling them.

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Two important steps towards the resumption of grain exports from Ukraine were taken on Wednesday 27 July. The three ports from which the ships will depart have started to operate again, according to kyiv. And Turkey, with which Ukraine and Russia have concluded the agreement allowing these advances, has opened the center which will follow the ships and their controls.

“The ports of Odessa, Chornomorsk and Yuzhne [aussi appelé Pivdenny] went back to work”the Ukrainian Navy announced on Wednesday, stating that “the exit and entry of ships into seaports will be done by forming a convoy which will accompany the lead ship”.

On Monday, the Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure and his deputy minister hoped for a resumption of exports “from this week”first from Chornomorsk.

Pursuant to the agreements signed on July 22, Turkey on Wednesday inaugurated the Joint Coordination Center (CCC) responsible for monitoring the transport via the Black Sea of ​​Ukrainian grain, in Istanbul. It will oversee vessel traffic and control operations at loading in Ukraine and unloading in Turkey, and will be manned by representatives of all signatories to the agreement: Turkey, the UN, Russia and Ukraine.

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