39% of these dropouts took place in the first year, 36% in the second year and 25% in the third year of schooling, according to a study by the DREES conducted among health professions training schools.
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Students in nursing training are three times more likely to drop out in the first year in 2021 than in 2011. This is according to the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees ) in a survey of health professions training schools published Thursday, May 11. In 2021, 10% of students dropped out of their studies in the first year of training, while they were three times less in 2011 (3%), specifies the study.
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The DREES also notes that more than one in six students (14%) of the class of 2018 dropped out of school during their schooling, i.e. three points more than for the class of 2011. 39% of these dropouts occurred in the first year, 36% in the second year and 25% in the third year of schooling.
By extrapolation, considering the same distribution of the number of dropouts between the first, second and third year of nursing training, the study estimates that the dropout rate during schooling would reach approximately 18% for the promotion 2019 and 22% for the class of 2020.
Fewer graduates each year
More generally, since 2019, the number of students in their first year of training has risen sharply to reach nearly 35,500 in 2021, after remaining stable in the 2010s, around 31,000. The number of graduates each year however, fell by 7% between 2010 and 2021, from 26,500 to 24,500.
Finally, the Drees emphasizes that women remain in the vast majority in nursing training institutes (Ifsi). In 2021, they represented 87% of those enrolled in school, up 3 points between 2011 and 2021. Men in nursing training drop out of school more frequently than women. Thus, the dropout rate for men in the class of 2018 reached 19%, compared to 13% for women and 14% for the class as a whole. This rate has increased more significantly among men than among women since the class of 2011 (+3.2 points among women and +3.8 points among men).