Three-Rivers | 55-year-old man dies in fire

(Trois-Rivières) A ​​55-year-old man lost his life following a fire in the Cap-de-la-Madeleine sector, in Trois-Rivières, on Saturday.

Firefighters arrived at the scene of the fire around 11:30 a.m. Smoke was billowing from a single-family residence on Brunelle Street.

The victim was discovered inside by firefighters, who entered the residence in rescue mode, said the public relations manager of the Trois-Rivières Police Department (DPTR), Sergeant Luc Mongrain.

The man was transported to the Trois-Rivières regional hospital center, where he was declared dead.

An investigation by the DPTR and preventionists from the Fire and Civil Security Department is underway to determine the exact cause of the fire and the circumstances surrounding the death of the victim.

Police were unaware Saturday afternoon if the victim was a local resident.

The fire was brought under control by firefighters around 1:30 p.m.

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