The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron meets the head of the Italian government Giorgia Meloni at the Élysée Palace on Tuesday. The opportunity to soften relations between Paris and Rome. The Quirinal treaty is among the subjects of this meeting.
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This is Giorgia Meloni’s first official visit to France. The President of the Italian Council meets Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday July 20 at the Élysée. A visit to soften relations between Paris and Rome, which have been strained since several months on funds for the Italian management of migratory flows. Political leaders will also discuss the Franco-Italian Quirinal Treaty.
1What does this treatise contain?
Among the measures headlights of the text appears the creation of a civic service common to the two countries. The objective is to enable young French and Italians aged 16 to 25 to get involved in associations, foundations and state services in the other country for compensation of 600 euros per month.
Another measure, the treaty revives the Franco-Italian Defense Council. It allows the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs of the two countries to coordinate. This institution already exists. It was created in 2006 but the treaty wants to strengthen it. Finally, the text also makes commitments on the environment, to protect the Mediterranean and the Alpine Arc.
2When was the text signed?
This text was signed on November 26, 2021 during a visit by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron to the Quirinal Palace, the equivalent of the Élysée but in Rome. This treaty aims to strengthen cooperation between France and Italy, on the model of the Élysée Treaty, signed in 1963 between France and Germany. This text takes place in a particular context between Paris and Rome. At the time, Mario Draghi, the predecessor of Giorgia Meloni, was the Italian Prime Minister. And this former president of the European Central Bank has good relations with Emmanuel Macron.
3 Can we already learn lessons?
It is still a bit early to take stock of this treaty. It was adopted by the Italian parliament in spring 2022. In France, it was adopted in autumn 2022. Since then, the key measures of the text have been gradually implemented. For example, the Franco-Italian civic service was officially launched on May 30, with a fairly modest objective for the moment: 150 young people per year.