three questions on the measures planned by the government to combat the resurgence of the epidemic in France

The Covid is still there. On the increase since the beginning of June, the number of new daily cases now greatly exceeds 50,000 on average over a week in France. Hospitalizations have also been on the rise for ten days. The situation is such that the government is considering the return of certain health measures to our daily lives.

What is the epidemic situation?

With the arrival of the BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants, the number of new daily cases of Covid-19 in France today exceeds 50,000 on average over one week. He has even reached 62,036 on Friday June 24. For comparison, if this The figure is at its highest since the beginning of May, but it remains a long way from the 140,000 cases recorded over a seven-day average at the end of March, or the more than 350,000 at the end of January.

On the side of hospital admissions, the figures are also increasing. In less than two weeks, France went from less than 400 daily admissions to 707 on June 24. On June 21, there were 14,410 Covid-19 patients hospitalized, including 855 in critical care. This week we have a 12% increase in critical care patients.” thus worried on franceinfo Delphine Viriot, epidemiologist for Public Health France. Their number is increasing in particular in Brittany, Normandy, in the Grand Est, in the Paca region and in Occitanie.

What are the measures envisaged by the executive?

According to a draft law, published by the Atlantico site and whose authenticity was confirmed to AFP by the Ministry of Health, the government plans to set up a border pass on arrival in France, Corsica and the territories from overseas. Concretely, the Prime Minister could absolutely impose by decree the presentation of a health pass (negative test, proof of vaccination or certificate of recovery) from the age of 12 for “to travel to or from France, Corsica or one of the local authorities” ultramarine. The “staff involved in the transport services concerned” could also be compelled to comply.

In this same document, we learn that the government also plans to extend until March 31, 2023 the SI-DEP computer files (results of screening tests) and Contact Covid (infected people and contact cases).

Last track: the executive wants to create a “committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks”. Attached to the Ministers of Health and Research, this new body will be responsible for making “opinions on the health situation and related scientific knowledge”. She can then “to make recommendations”. A mission reminiscent of that of the Scientific Council, except that its work will be “press releases” to the presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate.

This draft law, which “has been transmitted to the Council of State in recent days”, “will be the subject of discussions, before its presentation in the Council of Ministers, with the political forces, as we have always done”, said the Ministry of Health.

Will certain measures make a comeback?

According to the government spokesperson, this text must allow the executive to “to be able to remain vigilant at the place of the possible rise of the Covid-19” after the end of the state of health emergency set for July 31. But Olivia Grégoire promises that the vaccine pass is excluded from the measures envisaged: “Today there is no question of extending the health emergency regime. On is not on the vaccine pass, the state of emergency (…) What matters to us is to ensure that we are able to intervene if necessary, with the implementation of braking measures if the situation were to change, or even degenerate post-July 31.

In an interview at JDDSunday June 26, the president of the Council of orientation of the vaccine strategy of the government, strongly invites the more than 60 years who have not yet done so to be administered their second vaccination booster. “Despite the cumulative effect of injections and infections, the level of protection [de ces populations] is no longer optimal. In addition, the vaccines remain safe: there are no more side effects during a fourth dose. It’s simple: the 8.5 million eligible French people who have not yet received it must go to their pharmacy or their general practitioner.says Alain Fischer.

A few days ago, the government’s “Mr. Vaccines” also said he was in favor of the return of the wearing a mask in transport, whose obligation was lifted mid-May. “It is seriously discussed”, he hinted on France 2 Wednesday, June 22. “Personally, in public transport, it’s probably reasonable.” Should it be reimposed? “Certainly for fragile people, and probably for the whole population. Because it is a collective protection measure and by making the small effort to wear the mask, we help protect fragile people.”

A point shared by theepidemiologist Pascal Crépey. “In crowded trains, the risk of being in the presence of infected people is high.e, he explains to It would be a good idea for the population to wear the mask, in particular to protect the most fragile and avoid massive contamination.

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