Three questions about the end of the systematic paper receipt on August 1

The paper receipt will no longer be systematically printed in stores from August 1. This ecological measure should not affect consumers, since they can always ask for the paper version in case, and there will be a digital version of this ticket. We explain.

This time it’s the good one: after two postponements, the paper receipt is living its last days. Or more precisely, the paper receipt systematically taken from the checkout of the store where you have just done your shopping. This measure, resulting from the anti-waste law, adopted in December 2019 by the National Assembly, aims to reduce waste, since today in France, 30 billion tickets are printed each year.

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Can we still get a paper ticket?

Two out of three French people warn thatthey will still ask for a printed receipt, at least until they get used to the electronic version. “The paper receipt does not disappear, reassures Franck Charton, general delegate of Perifem, the technical trade and distribution federation. The customer can always request it and the merchant will print his receipt“.

In the law it is indeed written that it is up to the customer to claim the receipt. If you want to do your accounts at home, you can always ask for the paper version or rely on the dematerialized version. “Thanks to a QR code displayed at the cash desk that you can flash, you can get the receipt directly on your mobile phone and in a few months there may be solutions that will be required.“, advances Franck Charton.

Without a paper receipt, will the merchant agree to take back products?

If you ever want to return the clothes you just bought but haven’t printed the receipt, don’t panic. “The merchant must keep the receipt electronically to be able to find it“, assures Franck Charton, even if, he admits, “the law stopped in the middle of the ford: it imposes not to systematically print the paper but does not impose to systematically dematerialize the ticket“. In any case, indicates Franck Charton, “we can justify the purchase, with an electronic ticket or a loyalty account“. According to the general delegate of Perifem, the technical federation of trade and distribution, “these dematerialization solutions are being implemented voluntarily by distributors, but there is no legal obligation to do so“.

How can you check the amount of your shopping in real time?

Thanks to the QR code device, and provided that you have done the manipulation on your smartphone, you can immediately make sure that you have paid the right price, that there is no cash error, that the promotions have been taken into account. “You can immediately get your receipt on your mobile phone and check, as you do on a paper receipt, that you have paid the right price.“, slips Franck Charton.

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