Three-quarters of Muslim women would like to leave Quebec because of Bill 21, says an expert

Nearly three-quarters of Muslim women are considering leaving Quebec because of the Law on State Secularism (Bill 21) adopted almost five years ago, according to an expert who is very critical of the “racist” and “racist” law. sexist” in front of federal elected officials on Monday.

“My studies show that more than 73 per cent of Muslim women in Quebec are considering leaving the province,” said Nadia Hasan, assistant professor at the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at the University of York. , before the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. At the time these lines were written, The duty had not yet been able to consult the studies in question.

“This is not acceptable, this is not what we call social harmony,” added Mme Hassan.

Canada’s special representative responsible for the fight against Islamophobia, Amira Elghawaby, also present on Monday, reiterated that the State Secularism Law is “discriminatory”.

“Ability to discriminate” legalized

“I am clear and it was always clear that the effects of this law are discriminatory on religious minorities, and that Muslim minorities, Muslim women who wear the veil are discriminated against,” she told the Duty.

“Muslim women say they feel targeted and are on the verge of becoming political scapegoats in Quebec,” said Hassan. “They fear what the Quebec government will do more to deprive them of their rights. »

“The law must be repealed. There is no doubt about it,” she added in an interview with Duty. “We have legalized our ability to discriminate. »

Mme Hasan and Mme Elghawaby was testifying Monday morning as part of a study on “Islamophobia and additional measures that could be taken to address the legitimate fears expressed by Canada’s Muslim community.”

This report is supported by the Local Journalism Initiative, funded by the Government of Canada.

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