three people seriously injured, around thirty slightly injured

The Teknival has been taking place since Thursday in Villegongis in Indre. 20,000 teknivaliers were counted at the site as of 5 p.m. Friday.

The three people taken care of in absolute urgency this Friday during the Teknival de Villongongis (Indre) are not in danger of death this Friday evening, learned France Bleu Berry from a source familiar with the matter. The first seriously injured, a 40-year-old man, fell asleep in the tall grass and was run over by a motorist who was backing up without seeing him. The second seriously injured was bitten by a viper, while the third suffered from discomfort considered worrying by the emergency services.

These three people taken in absolute emergency are “for facts, at this stage, which are not due to risky behavior but to accidents, like this morning with a vehicle”, said the prefect of Indre Stéphane Bredin, during a press conference, organized Friday, May 19. The State representative also indicates that 32 people in relative emergency were also taken care of. Seven people, including the three in absolute emergency, required a transfer to the hospital center of Châteauroux.

A dozen caregivers in support of Rennes

Rescuers assisted 86 people, including 35 on the night of Thursday May 18 to Friday May 19, indicates the Indre prefecture. “The problems will start from tomorrow Saturday, and for the next two nights”, declared Friday, May 19 on franceinfo, Louis Soulas, the boss of SAMU and emergencies at the Rennes University Hospital, whose services were sent as reinforcements to Villegongis.

>> Teknival in Indre: 200 gendarmes deployed every day until Sunday, announces the prefecture

having “step back on other events, such as the 2017 Teknival in Indre-et-Loire”, he knows that “this type of event is very accident-prone, with discomfort, people who consume illicit products combined with alcohol”.

“The objective is to be able to provide an appropriate health response without reducing the supply of care for the daily life of the inhabitants on site”added Louis Soulas. “The idea is to have three complete medical teams, so it will represent around ten doctors and nurses” in reinforcement of Rennes. “The medical device is at a distance, a kilometer and a half from the place of demonstration. We intervene as soon as the discomfort is reported”he says.

20,000 teknivaleers

This Friday at 5 p.m. “20,000 teknivaliers are on site”, specified the prefect of Indre. “We are anticipating a second wave from tonight and all day tomorrow.”. In fact, the safety device is “reinforced“from this Friday afternoon. There are now 270 gendarmes who are on site, with the establishment of “four checkpoints around the site”.

Since this Thursday, “280 vehicles and 340 people were checked”, which resulted in “certain placements in police custody”, the exact number of which was not communicated by the prefect of Indre. According to the organizers, 11 associations and 130 volunteers are present during this Teknival to inform participants about the risks associated with taking narcotics and alcohol, and alcohol tests are made available.

Contacted by France Bleu Berry, the Châteauroux prosecution reports three arrests since the start of this Teknival. Two of these arrests are for traffic offences, a third, which concerns a minor, for drug use. The police custody ended this Friday at 11 p.m., according to the prosecution, which specifies that they gave rise to future summonses before a judicial police officer.

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