Three people in police custody after violence on an Air Caraïbe flight

A fight in a plane in flight. Incredible but true ! The images have gone viral on social media. The Air Caraïbes plane was flying to Cayenne from Orly. Three individuals were freshly received by the police when they got off the plane.

The images have gone viral on social media. They are extremely rare. Individuals fighting in a plane in the air. For the time being, the origins of this act of violence remain unknown.

A fight broke out in an Air Caraibes plane from Orly


The crews and some passengers intervened to prevent the fight and calm the ardor of the protagonists. The plane is an Air Caraïbes 570 aircraft which left Orly, destination Cayenne this Friday, February 11. The passengers, crew and management of Air Caraïbes are in shock. A steward was injured.

It is an Air Caraïbes AR 570 plane coming from Orly and bound for Cayenne on Friday February 11. The reasons for this fight are not known. A steward was injured. Some customers helped our crew to contain this situation, the consequences of which could have been serious without the coolness of our crew, who knew how to perfectly control the situation. You have to allow time for the investigation. In any case, it is unacceptable. These are extremely rare incidents. We reserve the right to file a complaint.

Eric Michel regional director of Air Caraïbes

The three individuals involved in this act of violence were arrested by PAF police officers when the aircraft arrived at Félix Eboué airport. They were taken into custody, they face up to three years in prison.

I have been informed of these events which I qualify as serious. What I can say is that these behaviors are unacceptable and intolerable. They jeopardize both the safety of the flight and of the passengers. The Parquet will be particularly firm and intractable. The three authors are currently in police custody, they will be extended this evening for a presentation to the Cayenne prosecutor’s office. Any act of violence on board an aircraft falls within the scope of an aggravating circumstance of violence committed on board a means of collective passenger transport. Which makes the facts tortious. These are prison sentences that can go up to three years.

Samuel Filniez public prosecutor

The severity of the sanctions depends on whether the acts are voluntary or involuntary. Psychological violence is punished as much as physical violence. The authors were able to be calmed down for the rest of the flight. The plane did not have to be diverted. They will have to answer in court.

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