The fire broke out Saturday morning in an apartment building. Twenty-four engines and 88 firefighters were mobilized on site. Eight people were injured, including a child who is in absolute emergency.
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Three people died on Saturday, November 25, in the early morning, in a fire in a residential building in Stains (Seine-Saint-Denis). Eight other people were injured, including a child “in absolute emergency”, declared the department prefecture in a press release. Twenty-four engines and 88 firefighters were mobilized on site. “A firefighter was slightly burned during the intervention”, specified the prefecture. The public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation to determine the causes of this fire. She was entrusted to the department’s judicial police service.
The fire, which broke out around 2 a.m. on the ground floor of this building located at 4 place du Colonel Fabien, near the town hall, was extinguished by mid-morning. The town hall set up a reception center in a city gymnasium for the other residents of the building who were evacuated.