three new sexual assault complaints target Antoine Griezmann’s mentor

The charges are getting heavier for Eric Olhats. Three new complaints have been filed against the now 59-year-old former football recruiter. France Bleu Pays Basque is able to confirm several advances in this case which involve the former mentor of the French international Antoine Griezmann. These three new complaints for “sexual assault on minors” are in addition to the first three for which the former Bayonne rowing football coach was indicted and imprisoned on May 12, 2022. This Monday, September 5, the justice system renewed the provisional detention of Eric Olhats in accordance at the requisitions of the Bayonne public prosecutor’s office. A mandatory step after four months of incarceration.

Eric Olhats disputes the facts

In total, there are currently six complaints against Eric Olhats. The three news have been recorded by the courts since the case was revealed last May on the occasion of his arrest at his home in Bayonne. During police custody, child pornography images were discovered on the mobile phone of the former head of training for young players at the Aviron Bayonnais club. The alleged facts would have taken place in the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, when the victims were under 15 years old. Since the start of the case, Eric Olhats has denied the charges against him.

The testimony of Antoine Griezmann taken into account by the investigators

In this case, the police officers of the Bayonne judicial police in charge of the investigation heard Antoine Griezmann to find out if he too was one of the victims. The Atlético Madrid striker replied in the negative. It must be said that the two men were very close. Éric Olhats, then a recruiter for the Basque club Real Sociedad, in 2005, took charge of the young Frenchman who had been refused by several training centers. He had found in the person of Olhats a man of confidence capable of bringing to life his ambitions as a professional footballer in the Basque Country. Subsequently, their relationship had deteriorated to the point today that the two men no longer speak to each other.

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