A total of four suspects are now indicted after the degradations committed on March 23.
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The investigation continues after the fire at the door of the town hall of Bordeaux (Gironde) on the sidelines of a demonstration against the pension reform. Three new people were indicted on Friday, the prosecution announced on Saturday April 1. A first person aged 27 had already been indicted for “arson” after the damage committed on March 23.
The three men, aged 19 to 37, were arrested after several witness hearings and thanks to the use of CCTV images. One of them, already known to have degraded the town hall of Tours in January, was placed in pre-trial detention. In total, his criminal record shows 21 convictions.
He was indicted for “degradation of public property by incendiary substance in a meeting” and “participation in a group formed with a view to preparing violence against persons or destruction or damage to property”. Only the second count was brought against the other two indicted. They are both placed under judicial review.