three new indictments


Video length: 1 min

Death of Thomas in Crépol: three new indictments

Thursday March 14, three new suspects were indicted in the investigation into the death of young Thomas in Crépol (Drôme).

(France 2)

Thursday March 14, three new suspects were indicted in the investigation into the death of young Thomas in Crépol (Drôme).

The investigation into the death of young Thomas in Crépol (Drôme) continues. Among the three suspects indicted for intentional homicide and attempted intentional homicide by an organized gang, two of them were released. “He comes out free this evening (Thursday March 14) and will be able to leave the Drôme department, since he is prohibited from doing so. He fully acknowledges having participated in this evening, having been present, having been close to the brawl, but on the rest, obviously, he did not commit violence, even less violence with weapons”confides Guillaume Fort, lawyer for the three people involved.

Two other police custody are still in progress

The third indicted was placed in pre-trial detention. Six other suspects arrested during the same search were released and two other suspects are still in custody. In total, 11 people were arrested Monday morning by the gendarmes, almost four months after the death of young Thomas. This is the second wave of arrests in this case. Investigators are still trying to establish the circumstances of the death of the 16-year-old and identify the perpetrator of the fatal stabbing.

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