Three months after the riots which followed the death of young Nahel in June, the government is organizing a national refoundation council on Thursday. Local elected officials are getting impatient.
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What responses and solutions after the riots at the beginning of the summer? More than three months after the riots, the government still does not seem ready to give its copy. A CNR, a national council for refoundation, specially dedicated to the question of riots is organized Thursday October 5 at 5 p.m. in Matignon around Elisabeth Borne. Around the table: government, mayors affected by the violence, association leaders and even researchers.
>> Where is the National Council for Refoundation, one year after its creation by Emmanuel Macron?
But the Prime Minister, like the executive, therefore seems to be relying on yet another phase of consultation. “I wouldn’t want it to become our Arlesienne”, worries a minister. Because it is difficult to say what this new national refoundation council will be used for.
Local elected officials want to tackle precariousness and poor housing
Matignon promises a new “waypoint” to listen. Two, three and maybe even four hours of discussion because “riots are not limited to the suburbs, and the suburbs are not limited to riots”, assures the Prime Minister’s entourage. This is a way of saying that the answer is considered complex.
Moreover, when the executive points out the responsibility of parents, the influence of social networks and calls for “order, order, order”, Emmanuel Macron’s slogan in July, local elected officials want to tackle precariousness and poor housing. But, in a clear sign, the interministerial committee of cities scheduled for Monday has been postponed until the end of October, without a specific date. On franceinfo, the mayor of Grigny shared his “anger” and his “feeling of contempt” after this postponement. “I am still surprised by this postponement because we had reached out to the government to work on this Interministerial Committee of Cities. Suddenly, overnight, some found themselves summoned to a CNR that no one had seen coming”continues Philippe Rio.
“It’s up to Macron to express himself!”annoys an advisor for whom “if he doesn’t know what to do, the president is convinced that he is the only one who can solve the problem”.