Three men sentenced to prison for kidnapping and violence in Besançon

On the night of November 13-14, a 34-year-old woman was victim of an ambush in Besançon. While she was having a party, a friend of hers called her on the phone to ask her out, for one simple reason. consume with crack. Once at the bottom of the building, she enters a car occupied by two men and that’s when her ordeal will begin. A third man with whom she had a brief relationship, get in the car and start hitting it.

After about fifteen minutes, the victim managed to get out of the moving vehicle in Avanne-Aveney, his face swollen and with torn hair. The reasons for this violence are and remain unclear after the hearing which lasted more than five hours at the Besançon Criminal Court on Friday. One of the defendants speaks of a drug debt of 300 euros, the main defendant speaks for his part of a tumultuous love affair. Despite the judgment, gray areas persist.

A story of love and drugs

The main accused a 47-year-old man was sentenced to 30 months in prison, six of which were suspended. He is found guilty of aggravated violence and forcible confinement. During the immediate appearance, this Bisontin confessed to hitting the victim, but gave an often confused speech. He often repeated that he had only fallen in love with her, as this could explain the multiple slaps inflicted on the victim.

During the audition, he claimed to know about his “girlfriend” drug problems and said that it pissed him off a lot. It is this addiction that would have caused the altercation. “She got in the car to get some crack cocaine. It made me angry, I threw away her product and that’s when she blew up.”, assures the accused.

But once the victim was in the car, the beatings would have gone straight away. The forty-something would have launched: “I’m going to kill you, bitch.” The money debt or a break, could be at the origin of this sequestration. All the accused remained very vague on the mobile.

If I had punched him I would have killed him. I only slapped him – the main defendant.

The profile of the main accused questions. He had to deal with justice several times. He seems pretty sure of himself like a guy who wants to reign over his little world. The other accused and the victim admit to being afraid of him, in particular because he is violent and rather imposing. However, at the bar, these statements go in all directions, they constantly add several insignificant details and never clearly answer the questions asked by the judges for lack of understanding or simple refusal.

Versions that diverge

The victim refused to speak throughout the hearing by “fear of reprisals“, she only confessed to being poly-drug addict (cocaine, crack, heroin, cannabis, alcohol). But she also evoked a betrayal on behalf of the second accused, a Bisontin of 30 years. It is the latter, also crack user who asked her to come join her in the car to consume.

He is the intermediary between the principal and the third accused as well as the victim that evening. He said he contacted the main accused “to buy him cigarettes”. The latter would have stayed with him to see the victim in order to explain their “relationship”. This thirty says he didn’t know it would have taken a violent turn. He was nevertheless found guilty of aiding and abetting and was sentenced to 15 months in prison, including 8 months suspended. During her argument, her lawyer described her as a not very smart drug addict, shy and a liar.

If we hadn’t been there, she surely wouldn’t have made it out alive. – the second accused.

The third accused introduced himself as the simple driver of the vehicle. He said he hardly knew the main defendant, but was a good friend of the second. He too is a drug user, but he says occasional. He said he did not realize what was going on in the back of his car. “I just drove, I couldn’t see what was going on in the back between Mr and Mrs”, he says.

If I had known what was going to happen, I never would have come. – the third accused

He chose to ensure his defense on his own. When the court asked him why he hadn’t stopped the vehicle when there was rowdiness in the back, he replied. “I didn’t fully realize the scale of the situation. I was also afraid of getting hit if I intervened.”, he blurted out. This 24-year-old Bisontin, was sentenced to 12 months in prison, 6 of which were suspended for complicity in kidnapping.

Finally, the victim has a rather particular profile besides the fact that she is a drug addict and that she is a supposed prostitute. She is known to justice for a murder case that dates back a few years. However, his background did not work against him. The three condemned are now prohibited from coming into contact with her and must pay him sums of at least 1,500 and 600 euros. The civil interests hearing will be held on September 8, 2022.

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