three maps to visualize the municipalities where Macron, Le Pen and Mélenchon came out on top in the first round

In five years, Emmanuel Macron and Marine le Pen have managed to rise to the top of several thousand additional municipalities.



Reading time : 1 min.

Where are the strongholds of the main French political forces located in 2022? At the end of the first round of the presidential election, Sunday April 10, Emmanuel Macron reinforced his presence in the communes of Loire-Atlantique, the Alps or the Rhône, former strongholds of the Republicans. Catches that allow it to come first in 11,788 municipalities, against 7,358 municipalities in 2017.

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On the side of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen is strengthening in the center of France and remains very strong in the north-east of the country. In total, it rose to first position in more than 20,000 municipalities, compared to less than 19,000 five years earlier.

Finally, if Jean-Luc Mélenchon improves his score par compared to 2017, it comes first in less than 3,000 municipalities in France, a five-year decline. The candidate of La France insoumise remains in first position in many municipalities in the southern part of France and conquers the main cities of the Overseas Territories.

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