Amazon rebroadcast football matches without removing homophobic chants. Three associations for the defense of LGBT + rights have filed a complaint against the platform. These songs install “a climate of shame for all players and lovers of this sport who are homosexual”, writes LGBT + families.
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Three LGBT + associations have filed a complaint against Amazon for the rebroadcast of football matches without having deleted homophobic songs, indicate Tuesday May 23 in a press release LGBT + families, Stop Homophobia and Foam which recall “the alerts that have remained in vain from the Rouge Direct collective”. “The broadcasters and rebroadcasters of these sporting events are showing culpable laxity”denounces their lawyer Etienne Deshoulières who wants “bring them face to face with their responsibility”.
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Since last season 2021/2022, and for the moment until next season 2023/2024, Amazon is the broadcaster of the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 championships on its Prime video platform. These rights include live broadcasting and replay 15 minutes after the end of the matches. “During these matches, homophobic chants such as ‘kill those fags’ are clearly audible”are indignant associations for the defense of LGBT + rights.
“LGBT+ families believe that these homophobic songs are much more than ‘folklore’, but have an excluding dimension”recalling that they install “a climate of shame for all players and lovers of this sport who would be homosexual”. “It should be noted that no current Ligue 1 player openly assumes his homosexuality, and that all those who have done so have had to give up their careers, faced with hostility”. Stop Homophobia, for its part, recalls the recent controversy “fuelled by players who boycotted games not to join an awareness campaign against homophobia” and that “de facto validate these behaviors” in the stands.
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“If the content broadcaster cannot be held responsible for comments made live, this is different for rebroadcasts where the latter has a duty to control the content it broadcasts”, estimate LGBT + Families, Stop Homophobia and Foam. The offenses of“homophobic public slurs” and D’“public incitement to hatred or violence because of sexual orientation” are liable to six months’ imprisonment and a fine of €22,500 and one year’s imprisonment and a fine of €45,000.