three LFI deputies demand the dissolution of the Brav-M to Gérald Darmanin

These Motorized Violent Action Repression Brigades (Brav-M) were created in 2019, during the “yellow vests” movement. They intervene in demonstrations and are often decried for their violence.

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Brav-M police officers during a Parisian demonstration against pension reform on March 20, 2023. (JAN SCHMIDT-WHITLEY/LE PICTORIUM / MAXPPP)

Three deputies from La France insoumise – Thomas Portes, Antoine Léaument and Ugo Bernalicis – ask for the “provisional dismantling of the Brav-M“, in a letter sent Wednesday March 22 to Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, which franceinfo was able to consult exclusively.

>> Pension reform: deputies and magistrates denounce police violence during demonstrations

They warn about “drifts of the techniques of maintaining order observed by the brigades for the repression of motorized violent actions (Brav-M)” during the demonstrations against the pension reform. Elected officials rely on “recent testimonies of violent and brutal abuses committed by these brigades against demonstrators”. According to them, these testimonies “challenging the international community and tarnishing the image of our country” and report “disproportionate use of force”.

Brigades often decried

“Far from ensuring a return to appeasement, their intervention contributes to the increase in tensions”believe the deputies who call for “their wishes for a return to social peace”. This is why they ask the Minister of the Interior “as a precaution, to suspend the use of these brigades as part of your law enforcement doctrine”.

These often criticized brigades were created in 2019, during the movement of “yellow vests”. They intervene in demonstrations on street violence and degradation. They are also there to disperse the group of thugs and support units that are in difficulty.

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