The foundation A Future Together will help three secondary school students from Bourges until their professional integration. Deserving students from Vauvert and Jacques Coeur high schools. These young people will be followed by godfathers or godmothers to facilitate their orientation and open doors for them for the future. Indre. The particularity of these godfathers or godmothers is to be decorated with the Legion of Honor or the National Order of Merit. Johann 16 years old, intern at the Vauvert high school in Bourges was selected: ” It’s a bit impressive for a student like me! “Johann is rather intimidated. He is not used to being put forward like this, even if he is a great kid. His mother Annie, will not say the opposite: ” He is a deserving student who always gives the best. He was awarded a merit scholarship for his good academic performance. He never shied away. I hope this partnership will allow her to open some doors, meet people to move forward in life. ”
– Michael Benoit
The family originated from Badecon le Pin, near Eguzon. Johan is in second vehicle maintenance but would like to reorient himself to become a dog handler. This is a former Air France executive, who will coach him to aim even higher. Martine Marage, who lives between Berry and Paris: ” I have supported many young people throughout my career since I was in charge of the Asia division at Air France. I was coaching a team of 2,000 people with 100 executives.” But what could Martine bring to Johann? ” I would like to go to museums or attend major sporting events “ admits the teenager. ” I will try to open horizons for him ” explains Martine Marage. ” I would like to reflect with him on ways of working, of orientation. I am here to advise, to suggest. Obviously, I do not impose anything. Why not show him the importance of travel to meet the other, the importance of respecting the difference.” And why not fly Johann for the first time?
– Michael Benoit
” Our association is here to promote social mobility” summarizes Gilles Vaury, referent of the Un Avenir Ensemble foundation for the Orléans/Tours academy. ” Young people and their parents, families of deserving scholarship holders, do not necessarily have the codes to push young people beyond the baccalaureate. We believe that a sponsor is an encouragement intended to favor a higher trajectory. We have godchildren who end up engineers, or even lawyers. The accompaniment can be very long, often eight years since we follow the young person until he gets a job. The bulk of the effort is mainly in high school to improve orientation. Then, the young people are more independent but we obviously keep in touch. “ The Un Avenir Ensemble foundation can also provide financial support. Nearly 1,000 young people have already been sponsored in France. 67% hold a senior management position.