three events this Saturday, November 6 in Guéret

Two demonstrations started this Saturday, November 6 at ten o’clock in Guéret. The farmers called on the population to meet in front of the André Lejeune space to denounce the rise in fuel prices. They plan to block access to all petrol stations from the city from 11 a.m.

At the same time, anti-wind turbines parade in the center of Guéret. The avenue Charles de Gaulle and the roundabout of the clock were blocked in traffic several tens of minutes to ensure the safety of the demonstrators.

Blocking of gas stations for two hours

The demonstration initiated by farmers brings together about 70 people. They came with tractors and straw bales. They plan to block all petrol stations for 1h30 to 2h at the end of the morning. The operation was due to start around 11 a.m.

This demonstration falls in full swing “cost price” operation of certain supermarkets.

The protesters then plan to scroll to Place Bonnyaud. Arrival expected between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. They think they will stay put and wait for any reactions from elected officials until the middle of the afternoon.

Nearly 200 people march against wind power

The demonstration against the proliferation of wind projects in Creuse brings together 170 to 200 people this Saturday, November 6. The procession left from the headquarters of the agglomeration community in the direction of the Prefecture. They made a stop at Place Bonnyaud. The police were present to surround the demonstrators and block certain streets.

The demonstrators brought a banner 50 meters long, supposed to represent a wind turbine blade (the exact length of which is 150 meters).

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