three European countries recognize the State of Palestine


Video length: 2 min

War between Israel and Hamas: three European countries recognize the State of Palestine
War between Israel and Hamas: three European countries recognize the State of Palestine
(France 2)

Ireland, Norway and Spain decided to recognize the State of Palestine this Wednesday, May 22. They hope to be followed by others as operations in Gaza continue.

As with one voice, Ireland, Norway and Spain recognize the Palestinian state. The statements took place within minutes of each other. In Spain, it is solemnly, in front of Parliament, that Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announces his decision. Recognizing Palestine is, according to him, the only path to peace. Worldwide, 143 countries recognize the State of Palestine. Among them, Russia, China, India, South Africa and Brazil. In Europe, Sweden, Poland and even Romania have already made this decision.

In Israel, the government slammed the announcement. France received the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs on May 22. Paris judges that the time has not come to recognize a Palestinian state, but there is no taboo on this subject, according to diplomats.

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