three essential pieces of the frame were placed on the building



Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – F. Mathieux, F. Blévis, M. Hauville, C. Vignal, N. Murviedro, Drone: Clément Chauvet – AE. MAP

France Televisions

Notre-Dame de Paris has found part of its framework, transported by a barge on the Seine. These wooden pieces of a dozen meters high and about seven tons were immediately installed using a crane.

It was by the Seine that they entered Paris. Three essential parts of the framework of Notre-Dame, three wooden triangles of seven tons each, were delivered as in the Middle Ages by river on Tuesday July 11. Under the eyes of Parisians, tourists and carpenters, they were placed at the top as well as at the foot of the cathedral. “We spent six months pruning in our workshops, and there, seeing our farms arrive and fly away on Notre-Dame, it’s a great moment of happiness”confides to France 2 Yoan Malbranque, carpenter, director of works at Les métiers du bois.

Reopening scheduled for December 2024

These structural trusses are an assembly of solid oak beams about fifteen meters wide and 13 high that had to be hoisted 45 meters above the ground. The structure, which required months of work, took off to be placed above the vaults of the monument in preparation for its reopening, scheduled for visitors and for worship in December 2024.

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