Three deputies from the Alpes-Maritimes sign a letter for the withdrawal of the Legion of Honor from Putin

21 deputies write to the president of the republic to ask him to withdraw Vladimir Putin’s legion of honor from order. Three MPs from the Alpes Maritimes are among the signatories Éric Pauget, Michèle Tabarot, Laurence Trastour Isnart.

“By unleashing a war of aggression and while the International Criminal Court has decided to open an investigation into probable war crimes, even against humanity, Vladimir Putin has gone against all the values ​​upheld by France. Thus his maintenance in the order of the Legion of Honor no longer seems possible since it is an insult to the peace, dignity and solidarity that we owe to the Ukrainian people.explain the deputies.

The Russian president received the Legion of Honor on September 22, 2006. Jacques Chirac then gave him the badge.

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