three candidates from Nupes, including Clémentine Autain, will be the only candidates in the second round after the withdrawal of their competitor

Three candidates from the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) will be the only candidates in the second round of the legislative elections on Sunday June 19, after the withdrawals of the candidates in the ballot.

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Qualifiers in the second round had until Tuesday, June 14 at 6 p.m. to submit their candidacy for the second round. And nothing obliges them to do so: in the event of renunciation, the candidate arriving in third position is not therefore authorized to remain and the second round is organized with a single candidate. He then only needs one vote to obtain 100% of the votes cast.

Clémentine Autain in the 11th district of Seine-Saint-Denis

In the 11th district of Seine-Saint-Denis, the dissident communist candidate Virginie De Carvalho gives up before the second round, France Bleu Paris learned on Tuesday June 15. Thus, only Clémentine Autain (Nupes-LFI) remains in the running. During the first round of legislative elections, they obtained respectively 15.18% and 46.15% of the vote. Virginie De Carvalho, first deputy mayor of Tremblay-en-France explained on her Facebook page: “Obviously, this result is a disappointment for us. For the second round, we decide to withdraw our candidacy and not to oppose the candidate of Nupes.”

Clémentine Autain reacted to this withdrawal in a press release. The deputy La France insoumise invested by the Nupes “take note” of this decision which, according to her, “the result of a constraint, the too big difference between our scores”. She criticizes the attitude of her ex-rival during the campaign. “For many months, my predecessor and mayor of Tremblay-en-France, François Asensi, with Virginie de Carvalho, led a fierce campaign against me, not hesitating to slander me for lack of serious political arguments. was a local power worth missing out on the historic gathering of the Nupes, bringing together rebels, ecologists, communists, socialists, personalities from the world of work and culture, and therefore the interest of the inhabitants of our cities?

Soumya Bourouaha in the 4th district of Seine-Saint-Denis

In the 4th district of Seine-Saint-Denis, the dissident communist Azzedine Taibi was to face in the second round the communist Soumya Bourouaha, invested by Nupes. But Azzedine Taïbi announced on Tuesday that he was withdrawing his candidacy and leaving the PCF, of which he had been a member for 35 years, reports France Bleu Paris. The mayor of Stains denounces a “election heist” and targets the leadership of the French Communist Party. “I am not at all angry with the candidate who was very strongly solicited to enter into this political charade, but I am angry with the leadership of the PCF, the federal leadership and its officials in the constituency who skilfully maneuvered to reject my candidacy.”

During the presidential campaign, Azzedine Taibi had officially supported the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon while his party presented its own candidate, Fabien Roussel. “They reproached me for having betrayed them but I was very clear from the start by saying that I would not support Fabien Roussel. Those who called me a traitor are today the first to use the photo and the head of Jean-Luc Mélenchon for their campaign. Where is the consistency on that?” Azzedine Taïbi hoped to obtain the nomination of Nupes for these legislative elections but the choice fell on Soumya Bourouaha. The latter came first in the first round last Sunday, with 36.13% of the vote against 21.43% for her rival. “My objective is to do everything so that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is elected Prime Minister and to ensure that this constituency remains on the left”declares, the now ex-candidate, without formally calling to vote for Soumya Bourouaha.

Elie Califer in the 4th constituency of Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe The 1st reveals Tuesday that Marie-Luce Penchard throws in the towel before the second round of the legislative elections and gives up proposing herself to the votes of the voters of the 4th district of Guadeloupe. “The conditions were no longer met to continue the adventurejustified the former Minister of Overseas. For those who would see in it a lack of courage and an admission of weakness, I say in all humility that it is, on the contrary, proof of political maturity and realism in this world where there are too many pretenses, insincerity, personal calculations to the detriment, very often, of the general interest. By wanting to persist in this way, we are helping to aggravate this breach of trust between the citizen and politics by strengthening the ranks of abstainers.

Invested by the presidential majority (Together!), Marie-Luce Penchard had been preceded by 2,972 votes by Elie Califer, the candidate of Nupes. The latter won 36.61% of the vote against 19.88% of the vote for the Vice-President of the Guadeloupe Region.

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