three candidates found in serious condition after an “overdose”?

This Thursday, August 25, viewers were able to watch a new episode of “Rest of the World” on W9. Episode in which Giuseppa, companion of Paga, celebrated her 21st birthday. If the atmosphere was festive, a tragedy unfortunately occurred once the cameras were cut. Indeed, Alan, Théo and Jean played ” a dangerous game “. Game that would have led Nikola Lozina’s best friend to the hospital. Result, a great fright, a wound in the forehead and stitches in the chin.

“They inhaled the air from the balloons”

A real shock for the lord who had promised his friend’s parents to watch over him. For its part, the production was forced to take a radical decision: Exclude the three candidates from the adventure… To the chagrin of their comrades. According to the latest information transmitted by Shayara TV, the ” Game to which the trio allude involves laughing gas. “ They made balloons. Inhale the air from the balloons. And they were found unconscious by the production. One of the 3 almost broke his head when he fell. They were fired on the spot “explained the blogger. An experience they won’t forget.

In July 2020, Maeva Ghennam had already been the victim of this practice dangerous to health. At the time of the events, Magali Berdah had taken the floor in particular to alert her community to the risks associated with the inhalation of laughing gas. “ I found myself in the hospital, I accompanied her and she was in a state… I had the fear of my life. Her face was completely blocked. We thought she was paralyzed and had a stroke. We had the fear of our life. “A chilling story…


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