In a recording broadcast at the end of March, we heard police officers from these units on motorcycles threatening and humiliating young people arrested on March 20 in the capital during a demonstration against the pension reform.
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Three Brav-M police officers were referred to the disciplinary council by the Paris police prefect, franceinfo learned on Monday June 5 from the Paris prefecture, confirming information from BFMTV. In a recording broadcast at the end of March, which franceinfo had been able to consult, we heard the police of these motorcycle units threaten and humiliate young people arrested on March 20 in the capital during a demonstration against the pension reform.
“The police prefecture confirms that it follows the recommendations of the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN)”, said the police headquarters to franceinfo. In the conclusions of its administrative investigation handed down at the beginning of May, the police force accused the civil servants of one or more breaches, including the duty to set an example, the obligation of courtesy towards the public, damage to the credit of the national police and the duty to protect the person arrested.
Four other Brav-M police officers received a warning, the police headquarters told AFP on Monday. This is a disciplinary sanction of the first group, the lowest in the public service, which is not the subject of any mention in the file of the agent. Before a disciplinary board, police officers potentially incur heavier penalties, from temporary exclusion for one day to dismissal, which is much rarer.
A judicial investigation, also entrusted to the IGPN, is still underway in this case.