Three award-winning Radio-Canada shows in New York

Three Radio-Canada productions, including Between Carole and Lewishosted by our columnist Mario Girard, won an award at the New York Festivals Radio Awards.

Between Carole and Lewis, won the gold award in the Best Musical Special category. Carole Laure made the musical choice for this series produced by Diane Maheux and presented by Mario Girard, whose texts were by Lewis Furey.

Director Francis Legault distinguished himself with Janette Bertrand and her pearls of wisdom, whose research was done by Maude Paquette. This show presented at ICI Première won the silver prize in the Best Interview Show category.

The podcast Resistanceworn by rapper Webster, won the Bronze award in the Best Documentary Podcast category.

These productions are available for catch-up on the Radio-Canada Ohdio application.

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