three alleged leaders placed in pre-trial detention

General Juan José Zuniga, former head of the army, Vice Admiral Juan Arnez, former head of the navy, and Alejandro Irahola, former head of the army’s mechanized brigade, are accused of armed uprising and terrorism and risk sentences of up to 20 years in prison.


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Police officers guard the government palace in La Paz, Bolivia, on June 28, 2024. (AIZAR RALDES / AFP)

All three were transferred to a high-security prison on the outskirts of El Alto, a city near the Bolivian capital, La Paz. The three suspected leaders of Wednesday’s failed coup in Bolivia were placed in pretrial detention on Friday, June 28, for a period of six months, the prosecutor’s office announced. “This provisional detention ordered by the judge will undoubtedly create a precedent, and constitutes a good signal so that the investigation can continue to move forward,” said prosecutor Cesar Siles.

Former army chief General Juan Jose Zuniga, former navy chief Vice Admiral Juan Arnez and former army mechanized brigade chief Alejandro Irahola are suspected of trying to overthrow President Luis Arce on Wednesday. They are accused of armed uprising and terrorism and could face prison sentences of up to 20 years, the magistrate said on state television.

A total of 21 active, retired and civilian military personnel were arrested in connection with the attempted coup, in which troops equipped with tanks besieged the presidential palace for several hours before retreating. General Zuniga claimed to have acted on orders from the president who asked him to “to stage something to increase its popularity.” A statement that Luis Arce vigorously denied.

Among the 21 people arrested is also General Marcelo Zegarra, former head of the Air Force, who is due to appear before the judges in the coming hours. He had gone to the prosecutor’s office with his two lawyers. Sergeant Alan Condori, who was driving the armoured vehicle that tried to break down one of the doors of the presidential palace, was also arrested.

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