Threats to a school in the Eastern Townships: four minors arrested and nine firearms seized

Four minors were arrested and several firearms were seized as part of an investigation into threats made earlier this week on social networks against a high school in Valcourt, not far from Sherbrooke, in the Eastern Townships.

The Sûreté du Québec took charge of the investigation on Tuesday, following the publication on social media of threatening comments against the school.

Checks carried out both inside and outside the school walls did not reveal the presence of any potential threat.

After a short investigation, the police arrested four young people, in addition to conducting three searches of residences in Valcourt, Bonsecours and Sainte-Anne-de-la-Rochelle.

The searches resulted in the seizure of nine firearms, ammunition, a crossbow, nearly 7 kg of cannabis and just over half a kg of hashish.

The young people arrested were met by investigators before being released. They could face criminal charges in the near future.

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