Threats against elected officials are “an attack on democracy,” says Trudeau

Sending threats to elected officials constitutes an “attack” on democracy, declared Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Faced with the increase in harassment against federal MPs, the latter calls on Canadians to show “deep respect” towards politicians.

“Everyone should feel protected in their jobs, free from discrimination, harassment and violence. When we [menace] people who work in politics or their team, it is not just an attack against individuals or a political party, it is an attack against our democracy,” he condemned during a press briefing in Toronto Thursday morning.

Many federal elected officials have expressed concern about the climate in Ottawa in recent weeks.

Testifying before a parliamentary committee this week, Parliamentary Sergeant-at-Arms Patrick McDonell, who is responsible for the security of parliamentarians, revealed that his office has opened 530 files concerning threats against elected officials, an increase of 800% by compared to 2019.

“There are debates and conversations where people can disagree. But the deep respect that we must have for anyone who runs for office must not be forgotten, because it is at the heart of our democracy,” commented the Prime Minister.

In interview at Duty this month, NDP MP Charlie Angus confided that the current climate in Ottawa was “the worst he has experienced” since he arrived in Parliament in 2004. The latter recently went to court after receiving threats from death at the hands of a citizen.

Liberal MP Pam Damoff also announced that she would not run in the next election due to the “toxic climate” and the threats received against her.

Earlier this month, Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms called on all 338 MPs to close and lock all exterior doors in the event of a protest at their constituency office.

The Speaker of the House of Commons, Greg Fergus, said he was concerned about harassment between elected officials during parliamentary debates or within committees. Stronger sanctions must be applied when comments “go too far,” he said.

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