“I received many tweets and emails sometimes containing death threats. So I decided to file a complaint,” announced Arthur Delaporte, PS deputy for Calvados, on Sunday.
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The deputy for the second constituency of Calvados Arthur Delaporte (PS) announced, on Sunday July 9, his intention to file a complaint for having received threats after his report concerning the kitty in favor of the family of the police officer indicted after the death of Nahel. “The complaint is written, it is ready to go. It will be filed tomorrow” Monday, said the parliamentarian, confirming information from West France.
“I made a report to the prosecutor under article 40 about the kitty in favor of the family of the police officer” indicted after Nahel’s death, stating that she was “likely to be illegal”, explained Arthur Delaporte. From, “I received many tweets and emails sometimes containing death threats. I therefore decided to file a complaint as recommended in such cases by the National Assembly and the prefecture”recalled the deputy.
Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides that “any constituted authority, any public officer or civil servant who, in the exercise of his functions, acquires knowledge of a crime or misdemeanor is required to give notice thereof. without delay to the public prosecutor”. The latter then assesses the follow-up to be given to the case. Closed last Tuesday after collecting 1.5 million euros, the kitty in favor of the family of the police officer indicted for the death of Nahel on June 27, had been initiated by Jean Messiha, former spokesperson for Eric Zemmour .