Threat on social networks | Cavelier-De LaSalle school opens under police surveillance

A person allegedly said in a social media post that he would show up armed at Cavelier-De LaSalle high school in Montreal on Monday. In spite of everything, the school will remain open, but endowed with an increased police presence. A measure that divides the parents of the students.

Coralie Laplante

Coralie Laplante

“My child will not go to school [ce lundi] since the situation does not seem clearly elucidated, ”Jacinthe Lagacé said in writing to Press.

Like her, other parents of students at Cavelier-De LaSalle school did not want their child to go to class because they feared for their safety. Manon Roy agrees. ” [Ma fille] is very nervous since this situation was put on the networks [sociaux] », She says.

Some indicated instead that their children would go to school benches.

In the early evening Sunday, Aude Farelle said her boy would go to class. “I don’t want to give in to the pressure and panic,” she said. However, she says she is concerned about the threat that circulated on Instagram.

I find it stressful, I don’t think I’m gonna have a nice day [ce lundi].

Aude Farelle, mother of a student at Cavelier-De LaSalle high school

On Saturday, a first email from the director of the LaSalle borough school, Robert Beaudin, was sent to parents. “We have been informed that rumors were circulating on Instagram about a threat that someone would come with a gun on Monday at school,” it read. The director also ensures that the school has been working in collaboration with the Police Department of the City of Montreal (SPVM) since Friday.

The next day, a second message was sent to the parents. “In accordance with the recommendation of the SPVM, the school will be open [lundi] and police will be present at the scene. School professionals will also be available on site to welcome students who would like to express themselves on this situation, ”the email said.

Information confirmed by agent Véronique Comtois, spokesperson for the SPVM. Sunday, “there was a meeting with the school administration,” she says.

The decision taken by the administration is to keep the school open, but there will be a police presence around and inside the school. [ce lundi].

Véronique Comtois, spokesperson for the SPVM

Mme Comtois specifies that an investigation is still underway in order to shed light on the disturbing message.

Another threatening post

Simion Raul intended to send his children to school on Monday. On Sunday evening, however, he saw a new social media post that changed his mind.

This is a message published on the Instagram page “confession csa”, where Internet users can send anonymous comments about the Collège Sainte-Anne, in the borough of Lachine. “Cavalier and csa monday vs [vous] are dead fdp band [fils de pute] », Can we read there.

“I think it’s obvious to close the school at this stage,” says Raul.

These events come days after threats on social networks caused the closure of Dunton Academy, a high school in the Anjou borough, on December 10. It was, however, a hoax.

Also last week, Thursday, a 16-year-old student stabbed his teacher at John-F.-Kennedy school in the Saint-Michel district. The teacher suffered injuries, but there is no fear for his life.

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