Thousands of people demonstrated in France on Sunday to demand the “total withdrawal” of the immigration law adopted on December 19. In Paris, the procession set off from Place de la République.
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A procession guided by collectives of undocumented workers. They are the ones who are in the front row today to represent these immigrant men who work in construction, in public works… Many men who come from Africa and who would simply like to be able to work legally.
In Paris, as in Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon and Nice, thousands of people demonstrated on Sunday January 14 to demand the “total withdrawal” of the immigration law adopted on December 19, before the decision of the Constitutional Council on January 25. In total, 450 collectives, unions and political parties called for mobilization.
“We are outraged by this disgusting law”
The Parisian mobilization against “the Darmanin law” started from the Place de la République. A mobilization which also serves to shed light on all these shadow workers. It was to defend them and express her solidarity with them that Anne-Laure, a workers’ struggle activist, came in the procession. “We are outraged by this disgusting law”she says. “For us to be here is to show the unity of all workers. In this square, there are workers who come from all countries. It is us who make this society run, without us, nothing will happen anymore. pass”judge Anne-Laure. “Contrary to what the government is trying to do, that is to say, draw up boundaries between workers, we want to reaffirm this unity”concludes the protester.
Other organizations are present, the Solidaires trade union in particular, but not the CGT which is calling for demonstrations on Sunday January 21. A gathering which promises to be more important, also calling for 200 personalities.
“Everybody is concerned”
Sunday January 14 in the procession, some elected officials from La France insoumise in particular. But also simple citizens, like Aubépine. “Everyone is concerned. Not just immigrants. I am a parent of students, do I want to see an increase in the number of families of children schooling in the street ?” she reacts.
“We are concerned as parents, we are concerned as neighbors, we are concerned as elderly people who need these people to take care of us.”
Aubépine, a protesterat franceinfo
“The question of rights is fundamental, she continues. When we share a territory, we share the same rights, that’s obvious. Otherwise we create exclusion and we create a society where people who have rights are forced to barricade themselves from people who do not have rights.she believes.
Many of these demonstrators will be on the streets again on Sunday January 21.