Thousands of people demonstrate in Vienna against compulsory vaccination and re-containment

The demonstration was organized at the call of the Austrian far-right party FPÖ.

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They denounce the “corona-dictatorship”. Several thousand demonstrators gathered on Saturday, November 20 at midday, in Vienna (Austria) to protest against the confinement and compulsory vaccination announced by the government to fight against the resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic.

The protest was organized at the call of the far-right FPÖ party, even though its leader Herbert Kickl, who tested positive, was absent. The crowd gathered in the heart of the Austrian capital, a stone’s throw from the Chancellery. All under close surveillance by the police, who feared the arrival of identitarians, neo-Nazi activists and hooligans.

A week after cracking down on the unvaccinated, Conservative Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced Friday a containment of 8.9 million inhabitants until December 13. As of Monday, they will no longer have the right to leave their homes except for shopping, sports or for medical care. Only schools remain open, but parents are encouraged not to drive their children to class.

Despite its initial reluctance, the government will also prepare a law to impose the vaccination of the adult population on February 1, 2022. The refractory will be exposed to sanctions. Because more than 15,000 new contaminations are recorded daily in the country – a level unprecedented since spring 2020 while 66% of Austrians are vaccinated, a rate slightly below the European average.

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