Thousands of demonstrators in the street, the 77th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp … The informed of franceinfo Thursday, January 27

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Thursday, January 27.

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Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Thursday, January 27.

The themes :

– Demonstrations in France for purchasing power and wages: while purchasing power is one of the themes at the heart of this presidential campaign, several professions took to the streets on Thursday to demand a rise in wages. Teachers are asking in particular for a salary increase by unfreezing the index point, according to the Snuipp-FSU.

– Jean Castex in Auschwitz: the French Prime Minister, accompanied by the Ministers of the Interior and of Culture, was in Poland this Thursday for the 77th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi camp.

– Voting begins for the People’s Primary: more than 465,000 registered voters can vote online, from this Thursday until Sunday. “It’s interesting, nice, but I continue my way“, commented Anne Hidalgo, PS presidential candidate.

The informed:

– Nathalie Mauret political journalist at the Paris office of the Ebra group.

– Roselyne Febvre, head of the political department of France 24.

-Nicolas Bastuck, journalist and editor-in-chief at Point.

– Stephane Zumsteeg, director of the opinion and policy department of Ipsos.

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