thousands of Australians demonstrate against vaccination and health restrictions

Vaccination is not compulsory in Australia. Nearly 94% of those over 16 still received two doses of the vaccine.

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The Canadian “freedom convoy” is being emulated. Thousands of demonstrators marched on Saturday, February 12, in the Australian capital Canberra towards Parliament to denounce the obligation to vaccinate against Covid-19. The movement thus follows the example of other gatherings of this kind organized throughout the world, as in France.

The demonstrators came to masse, some with their children, in front of the Parliament. They were 10,000 demonstrators according to the police, with “generally good behavior”, said a spokesman for the police, who made three arrests. Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who is due to call a general election by mid-May, urged protesters to remain peaceful.

Australia has a 94% double vaccination rate among those over the age of 16. Vaccination is not compulsory but is required to enter the country and to work in a series of professions considered to be at risk, such as caring for the elderly. Some Australian states, such as New South Wales, have started to relax the rules regarding vaccination for entry into pubs, restaurants or shops.

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