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Major cinema brands have become a new source of potential tourism. Theme amusement parks are multiplying, like the Game of Thrones series, whose studios have just opened to the public in Northern Ireland.
Red carpet for the first visitors, welcomed to the sound of the credits of the famous Game of Thrones saga. After eight successful seasons, the series opened its studios to the public in Northern Ireland last weekend. Fans take pictures with the characters. Entrance to the park is 47 euros. “I’m from Mexico, it’s a gift from my wife. I came just for that”, says a visitor. Some guides are former extras. “What I love is that the place has remained intact since filming”said one of them.
Films and series invest heavily in theme parks. The Star Wars amusement park or Jurassik Park are present in the United States. The champion in this field remains Disney, present almost everywhere in the world. Film tourism is booming. In London (England), a guide shows the city on the tracks of Harry Potter.