Those close to Macron who no longer believe in Macronism

These are the ones we could call the pioneers of macronism: they were there in 2016 when no one believed in them. And you remember the promise of the time: the overcoming of divisions, the “neither left nor right”, and an expression that will sound like a slogan, the famous “at the same time…“.

>> True from false. Is “half of delinquency in Paris committed by foreigners”, as Emmanuel Macron asserts?

Well, this winning recipe is no longer: it is two ministers and not just any ones, very close to Emmanuel Macron, who entrust him. For them, theat the same time“lived. On the contrary, we must return to the good old left / right divide. And in other words, therefore, erase what is the DNA of Macronism.

These doubts arise for several reasons. First, of course, Emmanuel Macron was re-elected without too much difficulty last May. But in the legislative elections, we know what happened: the National Rally entered the hemicycle in force and the left also took over. The “at the same time” took the lead in the wing: he no longer convinces voters that he is the middle way. The second reason explained by one of our two exasperated ministers: if we offer voters an alternative between, on the one hand, a center which wants to encompass everything and, on the other, the National Rally, but the French want an alternation, there is no Only one possibility will remain, you have understood: that of Marine le Pen.

The overcoming of divisions which was to be an antidote against the extreme right would make it the bed today. What a mess! Especially since the two ambitious who confide come from the left and feel more comfortable returning to their original camp. And then, finally, there happens to be a man who wants to embody this return to the left/right divide: Edouard Philippe.

The former Prime Minister set up his own Horizons party and never, we eventually forget, joined En Marche, in order to keep his freedom. We can see this today: in fact, he never believed in the Macronist mantra and does not hesitate to say it openly. There is, in the country, a right and a left, and these parties continue according to Edouard Philippe to structure the political landscape. Words that sound sweet to his supporters but also, and this is therefore the novelty, to pure and hard macronists. Something to annoy someone close to the President: “They are ambitious, they are already preparing the sequel“.

If there will always be, of course, the guardians of the macronist temple, the building, clearly, is cracking. The re-election of Emmanuel Macron was to pave the way for a questioning but, it was hoped at the Elysée. But not necessarily so soon.

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