those 60 years and older can receive a fourth dose of vaccine


Article written by

C.Sinz, F.Prabonnaud, J.Ricco, V.Travert, V.Piffeteau, A.Zouièche, H.Gasparini, D.Chevalier – France 2

France Televisions

On Thursday April 7, the government gave the green light for the new booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine for people aged 60 and over.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced on Thursday April 7 the opening of the second reminder of the vaccine against Covid-19 for people over 60. Until now, only those over 80 could receive this dose, which is not mandatory. The objective is to protect the most vulnerable at a time when the Omicron epidemic has reached its peak. Indeed, 158,792 new cases were identified in 24 hours.

Will this fourth dose be effective? An elderly person interviewed does not believe it. Another claims that she has no “nothing against, nothing for, I’ll see.”. Whether they are for or against, people aged 60 to 79 are eligible for this new booster dose. However, they must wait six months after their last dose or a Covid-19 infection. While the virus is still actively circulating, for the professor who is piloting the vaccine strategy in France, it is essential to make this new reminder.

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